The Worst Mistakes You Could Make at Work

Your job takes up a big part of your life, and this can be a positive or a negative thing. If you are good at your job and you are a considerate person, it is likely that you find your job rewarding and emotionally fulfilling, but if you struggle to get promoted or get along with your co-workers you will find your job frustrating and draining.
If you can relate to this, it could be because you are making mistakes at work. These mistakes could be linked to your confidence, your ability to get along with others or your mind-set, but either way they can hold you back in your career.
Here are some of the worst mistakes you can make at work so that you can avoid making them.
Being Unlikeable
If you work with other people it is important to be likeable. You don’t have to go out of your way to be best friends with everyone, but you should always be polite and friendly. If someone takes the time to interact with you, be positive and responsive rather than dismissive or uncooperative.
Constantly Checking Your Phone
If work is busy or you are in a meeting, you should definitely avoid checking your phone. Most bosses hate watching their employees look at their phone - especially if they are speaking!
Taking Credit For Something You Didn’t Do
Taking credit for something someone else did is a big no-no at work. Your boss may not know what you did yet, but the person who did the work you're taking credit for does know, and it is very likely that they will tell other people. This will affect your reputation, which could hinder the chance of a future promotion.
Not Taking Charge
Your career is yours and yours alone, so if you don’t take charge no-one else will. Set realistic goals and work towards them every day.
Being Dispensable
If you know that you could easily be replaced, it is likely that you will struggle to ever get a raise or a promotion. Make yourself indispensable so that your employers value you.
Not Following Industry News
Spend at least 10 minutes every other day reading up on the latest news in your industry so that you have the opportunity to benefit from any changes.
Not Remembering Your Achievements
Keep a record of all of your achievements, as it will be very useful next time you ask for a raise or a promotion. It will also be useful if you apply for a new job! However don’t brag about your achievements to everyone around you, as this could make you seem unlikeable.
Being An Emotional Hijacker
Some people are too emotional at work - they shout, cry and stamp their foot, and this is emotional hijacking as it forces other people into an unpleasant emotional situation that they don’t want to be involved in. This is unprofessional, selfish behaviour that can make you unlikeable, so it is important to try and control your emotions in the work environment.
Piper Fitzgerald is a Specialist Talent Consultancy operating within Audit, Tax & Advisory Australia wide, recruiting only the Top 15% of candidates. If you are currently looking to recruit for your organisation or are interested in current market opportunities contact Simon on or 1300 619 510.